"The concept of "social economy" goes back to the 19th century when various new types of organisations and enterprises were formed collectively by groups of people in response to problems they were facing due to deep transformations of the economic system: co-operative ocieties, friendly (mutual benefit) societies, and other forms of undertakings which aimed at organizing production, consumption, access to credit, access to health care and other services on a more equitable and democratic basis. In today terms, the social economy gathers enterprises of the co-operative movements, mutual benefit and insurance societies, foundations and all other types of non-profit organizations which all share some principles making them correspond to the "third sector" of modern economies. Indeed, social economy organisations differ from the private for-profit sector as their primary goal is to serve members’ needs or a broader public interest instead of maximizing and distributing profits to shareholders or members. They are also clearly distinct from the public sector although non-profit organisations may receive public subsidies to fulfil their mission: they are self-governed private organisations with the rule "one member, one vote" in their general assembly." (by Jacques Defourny, 2001)
Greek Legislation:
- Law 4019/2011 - Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship in ENGLISH (pdf file, 199Kb).
- FEK 221/2012 - Decision of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection regarding the Social Economy registry in Greek language (pdf file, 217 Kb).
- FEK 1360/2012 - Modification of the Decision of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection regarding the Social Economy registry in Greek language (pdf file, 122 Kb)
Social Economy Registry Dept.
The Social Economy Registry Dept. of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Welfare is responsible for the General Registry of Social Economy.
The Social Economy Registry Dept. is public book held in electronic form accessible to everybody. The entities registered in this book, have access to the financing tools mentioned in the article 9 of Law 4019/2011.
Please note that until the full function of the electronic registry, the standard sign up procedures of the Social Enterprises and the other social economy entities, will be held on paper at the Registry Dept.
For more information and document requirements please contact:
Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Social Protection Dept., Social Economy Registry Dept., office 219, Pireos Str. 40, 10182 Athens
Social Protection Dept.
Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare
Konstantinos Geormas (Head of Dept.) |
Apostolis Pappas (Executive) |